In an inventive fusion of gustatory indulgence and the thrill of wagers, sports betting behemoth DraftKings has collaborated with renowned antacid purveyor TUMS to roll out a delectable free-to-play challenge dubbed Tums Prop Bites. The heart of this game lies in its smart play on traditional proposition bets – now with a savory twist – offering players a chance to predict Super Bowl Sunday’s culinary antics, from the tally of pizza deliveries to the volume of snacks that will feed the game day frenzy.

A scrumptious pot of $10K in prizes beckons participants, who began staking their claims on January 16, with registration staying wide open until the cusp of the spectacle on February 11. Jay Danahy, DraftKings’ head honcho of brand partnerships and advertising operations gushed, “Food is a key part of the Big Game experience for fans watching at home, and TUMS Prop Bites creates an authentic extension of what DraftKings is all about – providing customers with more ways to engage with the events they love.”

TUMS, the stalwart of digestion easement, hails from the house of Haleon, the same conglomerate that fortifies us with the likes of Advil and Flonase. Their joining of forces with DraftKings sprinkles a dash of kitsch onto prop bets, expanding beyond football stats to embrace the quirky facets of the NFL’s pinnacle event.

The allure of prop bets has broadened from the turf and into pop culture, brewing up stakes as whimsical as betting on the halftime show’s duration to the color of the Gatorade dunk on the winning coach. It’s an arena where the romance of a gridiron titan with a pop princess can coexist with the suspense of a coin toss.

To sprinkle stardust on TUMS Prop Bites, the game enlists the comedic genius of Desus Nice as the soothsayer of snack stats. “Let’s be real, a lot of people watch the Big Game for the food and the vibes,” the comedian quipped, “and now TUMS is giving this audience an opportunity to go all in on food, without the worry of heartburn, and a chance to win cash prizes.”

Not just basking in the digital realm, this gastro-gambling experience will manifest IRL at the Prop Bites Food Casino extravaganza, slated for February 9 amid the aquatic splendor of Circa Stadium Swim at Circa Las Vegas. This summit of snacking and speculation is the brainchild of a partnership between DraftKings and Circa, the latter playing host to some of VSiN’s sports wagering radio shows – yet another synthesis of gaming and gastronomy in the heart of Vegas.

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enthu cutlet - Over the decade, Neha have been working in the online casino gambling industry as a freelance writing service provider. She is a composer of news, promotional material, how to play guides, PRs, general articles, slot/casino reviews, and also sports betting material. A passionate online gamer and has clinched gambling's move to the Internet.


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